Sunday, February 8, 2009


Why "The Yellow Brick Roadway?" You see, that's a great question. When I decided to create a blog, I had no idea that a blog had to have a title.. but it makes sense doesn't it? I couldn't just call it "Chaise's Blog".... would you ever bookmark this site if I gave it such a dull name? Don't flatter me, you wouldn't. I thought about something related to my nickname from college, 'Cheez'... but who would take a blog called 'Cheez' seriously? My mom. That's about it. So... I decided on The Yellow Brick Road initially... but some jerk beat me to the name... imagine that, somebody else on this site has seen The Wizard of Oz. I made the slight addition of 'way' to the end ('way' to go Chaise!).

Again you ask, 'Awesome story Chaise, but why The Yellow Brick Roadway?' Alright, I'd like to every once in awhile put things on here that are worth reading so that it's worth following for at least a few people. Follow my blog. Follow the Yellow Brick Roadway. Follow follow follow follow follow the Yellow Brick Road[way] (to the tune of follow the yellow brick road)! Also, I always imagined the yellow brick road to be made of gold.. or at least a combination of gold and some other substance painted to resemble gold. Theoretically I'll say a few things on here with some value, just like gold.

Corny? Absolutely...but you won't forget it.

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